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We believe

that how we care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future are the most important issues we face during our lifetime.

Protecting Our Children, Breaking the Cycle

A significant number of our children do not presently enjoy a healthy, nurturing and safe home environment. This lack of security increases the likelihood that crime, drug and alcohol addiction, child abuse and family violence will continue to be perpetuated in their lives as they become adults.


Learn more about out approach  >

Breakfast for Every Child  >

Family Support  >

Advocacy  >

Effects of Neglect & Abuse on Children 

Our Vision

We envision a Bermuda where every child grows up in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. A place where caregivers can sufficiently support their families and supply their needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is twofold: to heighten public awareness of children's issues and advocate on their behalf. We provide services which address critical but unmet needs for the optimal benefit of children.

In achieving its mission, the Coalition aims to:


  • Achieve a broadly based recognition in the community as well as an adequate response from government about the importance of providing an strong social safety net that ensures a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for children.

  • Provide therapeutic services to children and their families seeking assistance.

  • Encourage and support self-sufficiency through programs and services that seek to empower families.

  • Advocate for a restorative, holistic and healing approach to issues that impact children and their families.

  • Promote and provide alternative dispute resolution services including family mediation services and peer mediation training.

  • Ensure that an adequate safety net exists for the prevention, intervention and treatment of abused children.

Our Vision

The Coalition for the Protection of Children is a charitable organization dedicated to meeting the needs of children and their families. Our mission is two fold: to heighten public awareness of children's issues and advocate on their behalf. We aim to provide services which address critical but unmet needs to ensure that all children grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

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